General provisions

Organizer TJ Jiskra Otrokovice, z. s. – athletics section

Date Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Applications are submitted through the race managers until January 20, 2025, at 8:00 p.m. The race is intended for invited competitors.

Venue: Municipal Sports Hall Otrokovice, Mánesova ul. 1584

Organizing Committee

Chairman of the OV Ing. Pavel Beznoska

Race Director Aleš Prudký

Chief Judge Ing. Ludmila Antošová

Technical Director Jan Hruban

Farmer Ing. Kateřina Foltýnová

Time is provided by TJ Jiskra Otrokovice

Results are processed by TJ Jiskra Otrokovice

Technical regulations

The basic heights and increases in height and bar will be determined by the technical delegates according to performance.

The competition is held according to the rules of athletics, unless otherwise stipulated by the competition rules and the organizer of the competition.

The competition is held on the indoor surface Conipur sprint HG.

Therefore, competitors are required to use shoes equipped with ceramic tree-type spikes.

The organizer has this type of spikes available. Starting with steel spikes is not permitted.

The competition office is open in MSH from 11:00 AM

The issue of numbers will take place in the competition office.

Presentation within 60 minutes before the start of the discipline in the competition office

Warm-up exercises before the actual competition are allowed only in areas reserved by the organizer.

The presentation takes place according to the instructions of the main referee for the discipline.

Changing rooms are available in MSH, for male competitors in changing rooms no. 2 and 4 and for female competitors in changing rooms no. 1 and 3.

Start lists will be posted on the information board in the hall.

The results of individual competitions will be continuously posted on the information board in the hall. The official results will be published on the website of the Czech Athletics Union

Protests regarding the results or the course of the competition must be submitted within 30 minutes after the official posting of the results of this competition on the information board in the hall, orally to the relevant supervisor (rule 8, paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the Technical Rules).

Any appeal against the supervisor's decision is submitted through the main refereeing jury, in writing and supported by a deposit of 500 CZK (rule 8, paragraphs 3 and 7 of the Technical Rules).

The jury consists of: the competition director, the main referee, the technical delegate

All competitors are obliged to submit to a doping control if they are invited to do so by the doping commissioner. Doping control will take place in visibly marked areas behind the changing rooms of the sports hall.

Medical services will be present in designated areas in the hall throughout the competition.